Bo Demmick



He was called
He was called... a lot of things
A lot
Like a fatty
It was very peculiar
They said (2)
Hey fatty, Hey fatty
For the CD that you hold in your hand (3)
Is a construction of a left-sided mind    (4)

He was called... a lot of things
It was peculiar
You need a tape 
Off Derek, Bo... (5)
Go to the Hulme missionary consort

Moderninity... what it is?   (6)
Moderninity...what it is? 

8:30, 8:30
8:30, 8:30

It was peculiar
He was called
He was called
A lot of things
It was peculiar
I said, where's my record?
Give it me!
Well we have had 2 and a half weeks
There's 5 of us
They were multiplying so fast
Bo! Bo!
I was mystified, I was mystified, mystified

Now the cd that you hold in your hand
Is a construction by a left sided mind
It was peculiar
8:30, 8:30
8:30, 8:30



1. Like "Hey! Marc Riley," this is essentially "Hey! Bo Diddley" with different lyrics. The single version is called "Bo Doodak," for some reason. SInce Bo Derek is mentioned in the lyrics, the title (either one) could be heard as a combination of Bo Diddley, Bo Derek, and something else. According to anonyarena on the Fall online forum, Ben Pritchard told him after a gig "The song used to be called 'Bo Diddley', actually, but then we started getting silly and it got called Bo Doodak for some reason."

"Demmick" (sometimes "demic") was British army slang in the second World War which meant a soldier on the sick list (perhaps derived from "epidemic"). It subsequently came to be used to mean a dummy or perhaps a jerk (both definitions can be found on the internet, and neither seem to be common).


2. Debate has raged about what MES is saying here. It could be "Hey Fatty," it could indeed be "8:30," as the Lyrics Parade has it, or we could follow the book which apprently has "a fatty." I'm not convinced he says the same thing every time, so probably all of these come into play, but I stick with the Lyrics Parade above.


3.  There is a song called "The CD In Your Hand" on MES' solo outing, The Post Nearly Man (see note 6 below). 


4. The brain is divided into two hemispheres with, to a certain extent, specialized functions. The left side is associated with language, fact retrieval and calculation, whereas the right is associated with processing images and sounds, although all of these functions are to an extent bilateral. The popular press, especially New Age and self-help writers, have exaggerated and made much scientifcally unwarranted hay with these differences.

As Ddddd puts it, "he is accusing somebody of being overly analytical/ literal."



5. Bo Derek was a minor actor in the 1970s who starred in 10, the premise of which is that she was one, and then quickly faded from view. 



6. This word also appears in this way on "The CD In Your Hand" (see note 3 above). 



Comments (60)

  • 1. policetruck | 04/09/2013
Calling someone a Demmick was an insult when I was a kid at school around the mid 80's in the north west, no idea if it spread. If someone was being stupid then it was used.
  • 2. Mark | 22/05/2014
"The CD you hold in your hand" - there's a track on MES' solo album called "The CD In Your Hand".
  • 3. Mick | 23/11/2018
It has never sounded like "8.30" to me. From the first time I heard the song I heard "Ygdrasil"...which probably makes no sense in relation to the rest of the lyrics.
"Yggdrasil (/ˈɪɡdrəsɪl, ˈɪɡdrəzɪl/; from Old Norse Yggdrasill, pronounced [ˈyɡːˌdrasilː]) is an immense mythical tree that connects the nine worlds in Norse cosmology."
Paul Go
  • 4. Paul Go | 26/11/2018
Please change:
fat line to 'Like a patsy', if nothing else, change this one,
mr. whatever to simply 'they said/say'
remove the other 'invited' and later 'expected'... is ALWAYS AND FOREVER 8:30! get over it
Lastly, it is, rather enigmatically, 'Go to the Hume missionary consort'
Paul Go
  • 5. Paul Go | 28/11/2018
This is a much loved Fall song of mine, a magnificent stonker: More than any of the errors on this site, some of the lines you have here are nothing less than an act of desecration.

The title is a simple play on Pan-/Epi-demic. The song is littered with ideas of replication and an infectious spread. Hard to believe no one got this... perhaps you did and it's too obvious to mention.

Bo refers only to Bo Diddley, no one else. The song is about, or built around him, all the way through. This is re-affirmed by the central rhythmic buzz, which is a (typically Fall-flattened) version of the famous Diddley rhythm. It underlies the whole song, Despite the flattening and endless repetition, it retains some of the infectious qualities of a Bo original.

Back to the changes... changes I now demand!

Take that fatty shit out, it is 'Like a patsy'. As in one who is used/ripped off. Or are you are suggesting MES is calling Bo Diddley a fatty? Just how old are the people who come up with this?

Hume obviously goes with 'modernity'. I shouldn't have to explain this any further, this is not rocket surgery.

You may go to see a consort at a missionary, but, unless something peculiar to Hulme, you don't go see a console, especially at a missionary. Will someone please explain this 'Hulme missionary console' bollocks? ...thought not.

It is always 8:30 for a good reason (not a cryptic one, this is Art, not a crossword). By morphing it even once you are undermining the very point it is making.
  • 6. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
Mick, based on the currently available evidence that's not happening, but that would be wild if that was it...

Paul, now that you say it, the play on "epidemic" seems likely. It's not too obvious, but it is better than that--it seems obvious once it's pointed out, but I hadn't figured it out before, which is the best kind of comment as now that you've said it I'm sure you're right.

I don't know about "desecration," we struggle through as best we can, but I inherited these lyrics from the Lyrics Parade and I'm not sure that I ever checked them (and I'm not the go-to guy for transcriptions anyway, I rely pretty heavily on others like you with sharper ears than my own). I need to sit down with this then.
  • 7. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
I do not know what Hulme is, it sounds like something British. I should have had a note saying that it was, then, but now it may be is far from obvious to me why a song that mentions "modern(in)ity" would have to refer to Hume rather than Hulme though, especially as you indicate you don't know what "Hume missionary consort" means. On the other hand we do have some "Hume" elsewhere on the album, in Assume, which seems to make it likelier that you're right, anyway.

I don't think I've ever checked this text from the Lyrics Parade, there are several hundred songs and it will be years going over them, as many were transcribed when the album came out, put on the Lyrics Parade, and never checked again. If there's an obvious variance, or if someone writes in with a better idea, they eventually get checked.
  • 8. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
Definitely sounds more like "fatty" than "patsy" to me, and if it is "hey fatty" does seem to fit. So I would appreciate volunteers to listen closely to this and consider Paul's amendments, like I say I don't have the best ears and I'll defer to the judgment of others in this matter. As of now I'm keeping "fatty" because that's what it sounds like to me, which has to be the tie-breaker between the two of us until someone else checks it out.
  • 9. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
I don't know where "Mr Invited" came from, that's absurd and it sounds nothing like that. I wonder if it sounds more like that on the Peel version or any case that has to go.
  • 10. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
On the other hand, some of the "8:30"s now sound a bit like "Hey, patsy!" to me...particularly the first one, around 33 seconds. I need to listen to it a few more times. Again, I need other people to do so.
  • 11. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
Oh yeah, even the punctuation is alien...this is straight from Lyrics Parade and I've never done much with it yet.
  • 12. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
"Take that fatty shit out, it is 'Like a patsy'. As in one who is used/ripped off. Or are you are suggesting MES is calling Bo Diddley a fatty? Just how old are the people who come up with this?"

What makes you so sure he is addressing Bo Diddley?
  • 13. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
OK, sorry for all the comments in a row. The last syllable of "console/consort" is swallowed. You really seem certain about things that I have doubts can be so easily settled.

Is "Hulme" pronounced the same as "Hume"? If not, it's definitely "Hume." If so, then this needs to be figured out somehow, "Assume" is a mark in favor of "Hume" as is the connection to moderninity, although the latter is very vague and's pretty hilarious that you seem certain of it with an almost religious kind of conviction!
  • 14. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
I agree about "8:30" for the most part, I don't know where the transcriber came up with all that "invited" stuff unless they were listening to a different version...
Paul Go
  • 15. Paul Go | 01/12/2018
"Bo", the Bo rhythm I outlined, who Bo was, what Bo did, what MES has said about Bo, Bo Bo Bo - BoBo, Bo Bo Bo - BoBo, Bo Bo Bo - BoBo, Bo Bo Bo - BoBo, Bo Bo Bo - BoBo, Bo Bo Bo - BoBo.
Paul Go
  • 16. Paul Go | 01/12/2018
Sorry for all the Bo's
Paul Go
  • 17. Paul Go | 01/12/2018
Wait, you're not English? As in from or living in England? That alone gives me the deciding vote in a fatty/patsy tie-breaker, the only thing going for fatty is an admin password. Being sure is not to do with ears, I'm in my mid forties, long past my prime. Being sure comes from grasping, at least some of, the song's depth. Goes some way to softening the blow of not being 20.
  • 18. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
I know who Bo Diddley is, and that he's referenced in the title--did you not read the first note? The very first words of the very first footnote, in fact?

The question remains, how do you know whom MES is addressing in the line "Hey Fatty/Patsy"?
  • 19. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
1. I am older than you;

2. I have seen Bo Diddley in concert;

3. Yes, I am American.
  • 20. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
4. Don't worry about all the Bos, it conveys the BD Beat/Second Line quite well
  • 21. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
5. I see I already made the "epidemic" connection in the notes; I should have checked before responding. You actually didn't read the notes, did you?

6. I don't know why I'm still numbering these...
  • 22. bzfgt (link) | 01/12/2018
Anyway, I'm leaning toward Hume, although I don't find your rationale very convincing. I am hanging fire for the moment, until we hear from others.

You are unfortunately correct that merely the fact of something existing on the page here (like at the Lyrics Parade previously) leads to the unfortunate consequence that it has the inside track to be canonical when often it is something entirely wrong. One difference from the Lyrics Parade is that we are always revising and trying to weed out error here.
Paul Go
  • 23. Paul Go | 02/12/2018
Seems I may have skipped a few pre-flight checks before blasting off. Fair enough.
  • 24. dannyno | 03/12/2018
Note #7: Hulme is an area of Manchester. You've mentioned it in the notes to another song.

Whether that's what it actually is is unclear.

Having listened to the lyrics just now, it's not "8:30" anyway.

It's "hey fatty" or "hey patty" or "hey patsy". Or something like that. Not sure which. But it's definitely not "8:30".

And whatever it is, it's not obviously addressed to Bo Diddley, though I wonder if there's biographical origins in Diddley's life.
  • 25. dannyno | 03/12/2018
Not note #7! Comment #7!
  • 26. dannyno | 03/12/2018
The blue lyrics book has "a fatty", for what that's worth.
  • 27. dannyno | 03/12/2018
And it's also in handwriting. So possibly has more weight.
  • 28. dannyno | 03/12/2018
But it's a scrap of lyric, rather than a full text.
Paul Go
  • 29. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
I didn't know there was such a book, so can't comment.
Fatty is just sounding more and more ridiculous, but I'll bite my tongue.
Do I need to do more 'Bo's again?
Danny, you really don't like this 'Hume' guy do you.
  • 30. dannyno | 03/12/2018
You didn't know there was such a book.

It's not clear that there is a "Hume guy", let alone that there are any songs about them.
Paul Go
  • 31. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
No, I didn't know there was such a book.

Why, do the songs not speak for themselves?
  • 32. dannyno | 03/12/2018
Original transcriptions can be found here on the FOF, not changed much since then over the years:

The lyrics to Bo Doodak seem different, not sure they help much here.
Paul Go
  • 33. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
'he was looking at Gaz' when he said 'like a fatty'...thanks, that's cheered me up.
Paul Go
  • 34. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
If anything, Bo Doodak give us an idea of how much work he puts into an album song.

'egg-buttie' :D
Paul Go
  • 35. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
"so who is this hume then? whats the joke? is he a twat or summat?"
"So... if you are a Hume, you DON'T assume????"
Pretty much bang on what I answered in the 'Assume' thread.
  • 36. dannyno | 03/12/2018
Paul Go, comment #31: no, the songs don't speak for themselves. The texts in the books don't either.
  • 37. dannyno | 03/12/2018
Comment #35. "Hume/hoom/Hulme etc etc etc". Yeah, the sound is clear-ish. But it's unclear what the word actually is.
Paul Go
  • 38. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
It's way too tough by any standard, never come across anything like it anywhere These songs with broken up lyrics are about as locked up as he can get them without completely throwing away the keys. All I can say is the one or two steps I may have made in a few tracks has convinced me it's possible to put them together.
Paul Go
  • 39. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
The problem here is too much text, and imposing text when listening. It's ok to listen and not know what he specifically says, and far better not to know than to meet your left brain's demands with the wrong text.
Paul Go
  • 40. Paul Go | 03/12/2018
It's this means, the left brain technology and process, not the people, that has locked this whole thing down to a crawl.
  • 41. dannyno | 04/12/2018
Comment #39. It's absolutely fine to listen and not worry about the text so much, definitely agree. But this being an annotated Fall site, this is where worrying about the text is appropriate.
Paul Go
  • 42. Paul Go | 05/12/2018
Worry more then.
  • 43. bzfgt (link) | 05/12/2018
Yeah, definitely the sound is "Hume", unfortunate that that's how "Hulme" is pronounced. Handwritten lyrics definitely carry more weight. I'll be looking at it again this weekend. How did "8:30" ever get in there to begin with?
Paul Go
  • 44. Paul Go | 05/12/2018
I expect 8:30 came from what he sings.
Seems more likely he'd be toying with the lyrics/people in these handwritten sources, as well as in the odd live performance. Surely he would print lyrics if he wanted simply to inform.
Paul Go
  • 45. Paul Go | 05/12/2018
Hume missionary consort(ium) is a lovely and profound line, angular perhaps, but rich in flavourness. The alternatives are terrible.
Wm Perry
  • 46. Wm Perry (link) | 14/01/2019
comment #3, Mick. Ha! I love 'ygaddrasil' idea. wish i'd heard that one. I'v always heard intentionally slurred 3x syllables that drift towards "bo-did-ley' occasionally. But i'll accept 'hey fatty" as its obviously the result of "he was called...a fatty - like, "hey Fatty!" To stick with "8:30" is pure cussedness, a very Fall-ish way forward, and i applaud it
  • 47. dannyno | 17/02/2019

The word appears in Renegade:

I’ve always tried to dress smart. It’s important. There’s no need to look like a demick, you don’t have to.
Paul Go
  • 48. Paul Go | 24/05/2019
fuuk me, even more fatties
Paul Go
  • 49. Paul Go | 25/05/2019
Let's imagine MES read his online fan-scripts.
Let's pretend he saw how unsure you all were and how wild the guesses were.
He'd assume his loyal fans would be desperately looking for confirmation, and a big online group hug.

Knowing all you know about MES, how would that play out in an interview, book, or live performance?
Would he help you out, or mess with you?
  • 50. Ddddd | 28/11/2020
This sounds like a rant about the producer(s)

How many were there on this record?

'(They were multiplying so fast)'

'Hume missionary' console - Odd phrase. Fella at the production console looks like a missionary? (there were some famous missionaries named Hume).

A left sided mind he is accusing somebody of being overly analytical/ literal.
  • 51. Dddddddddd | 29/11/2020
If fact the recording console at Gracieland Studios in Rochdale was designed by Rupert Neve a peculiarly famous audio engineer. His father was some kind of missionary.
  • 52. Ddddd | 29/11/2020
Wait, it sounds more like consort.
  • 53. bzfgt (link) | 22/02/2021
49. He would likely mess with us. This demonstrates what?

50. Bicameral mind already in the notes, but you put that pithily so I'll quote you.

I often say "See note X" and then, when I add notes, the numbers change and it no longer makes sense.

Usually, for some reason, I say "see note X above" or "see note X below" instead of just "see note X." It's extra nonsense that doesn't need to be there.

But I just realized--if I make sure to do that every time from now on, when I change the numbers I can CMND-F "above" and "below," and I need never muck that up again!
  • 54. bzfgt (link) | 22/02/2021
Hmm, the producers idea is possible..."consort" has some adherents here, I'll listen and see if I can get a strong enough hit either not it's one of those tricky situations where "console" might only hang on because it's already there. But does either "missionary console" or "...consort" mean anything in particular?
  • 55. bzfgt (link) | 22/02/2021
Yeah to me it sounds like "Consore", either a swallowed "t" or "console"
  • 56. bzfgt (link) | 22/02/2021
Went with "consort" for now but I don't like it (either way), it's arbitrary
  • 57. LL | 22/03/2021
The song is about Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Barbara Demick.
  • 58. bzfgt (link) | 27/03/2021
Anything to connect them other than "Demiick/Demmick"?
  • 59. dannyno | 03/05/2021
Comment #57. Barbara Demick is not Pulitzer prize winning, merely a finalist, and MES would therefore never have deigned to devote a song to her.
Mark Oliver
  • 60. Mark Oliver | 13/09/2023
Hulme (pronounced Hume) is an area of Manchester just South of the centre. There was also a fairly notorious 1950s murder case whose culprit was Brian Donald Hume.

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